

Original price was: £1.00.Current price is: £0.00.

Category: Product ID: 4855


Rose is the eldest of our Fabulous Five Gang at 9 years old, and as you can see from the photos, she came off the worst with losing most of her coat due to her awful living conditions. She does look rather cute in her little red fleecy jacket though, don’t you think 🙂 We feel that her current look adds all the more to her quirky character and cuteness.

Her coat will grow back over the next few months and she will look complete again in no time. Huskies do moult a lot, so any new home would need to be prepared for this , and be suitably equipped to deal with her furneeds.

Rose is the most aloof of our huskies to begin with, and when outdoors she is a very independent girl who has her own agenda of activities which she wishes to partake in, and you can come along if you wish, but if not, then she is more than happy to entertain her own outdoor investigations – A typical husky!

She also has a loving side however, and she will come over for cuddles and entertain your needs as her human with some interaction and ball play when she chooses 🙂

She loves exploring our secure offlead paddock and proudly struts around the village with her pals on her daily outings out and about. Rose would not be a suitable dog to be let off a lead unless in a suitably enclosed, secure area.

We are looking to place Rose in a home without other dogs as she will squabble over food.

She can be placed in a home with older, dog savvy children.

We are not able to place Rose in a home with cats or small furries.