
Category: Product ID: 6217


Ivy is a 6-7 year old French Bulldog x Pug who is looking for a long term foster home.

She can walk with other dogs but does need to be the only dog in the home as she previously lived with a sibling and they didn’t get along ( Instigator unknown 🙂 ).

She would need a quiet , calm home where she wouldn’t be over stimulated and could just snuggle with her human and spend her days with company, love and security.
We would look to help cover costs with any issues regarding her mobility.
She is a friendly girl  who likes to nuzzle you for attention and bum scratches.

She is a little wobbly on her back end but she still loves a short potter and also proudly loves to go out and about in her little pushchair 🙂

We are looking for a reasonably calm home for Ivy where someone is at home for a good proportion of the time.

We are looking for a home without any young children or other resident or visiting pets.

She can be rehomed  with dog savvy children over the age of 8 years.

She is untested with cats.

Ivy doesn’t need a lot of exercise with some shorter daily walks being adequate for her.

If you love a Fruggle and could give this sweet girl her happy ever after, please contact us between 11-2pm any day, on 01430 423986.