
Who is searching for a large cuddly addition to their home?
If you love a big, squishy, snugglebug then Moxie may be the girl for you?
She has sadly found herself in need of a new home after serving her time in the stray kennels and remaining unclaimed. Moxie is believed to be a mix of possibly Rottie / Akita / Lab, she is around 5 to 6 years old and the size of a large Rottie or Akita.
Whilst she has been in our care she has proved herself to be a wonderfully sweet, gentle girl who just wants to be loved.
As she has an unknown history, we are looking for a home without any resident or visiting young children or other pets.
If you live within the East Riding / Hull and surrounding area and can give this stunning girl her chance at a happy future, please give us a call between 11-2pm any day, on 01430 423986.

Quick facts

Gender Female
Age 5 years approximately
Breed Crossbreed
Size Large
Living with Children Not to be rehomed with children
Living with dogs Not to live with another dog
Living with Cats Not to live with cats
Ideal home I need a home with previous large dog experience, and most importantly lots of love!

Apply to rehome today!Contact Us

Call us 365 days a year 11am – 2pm on 01430 423 986

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